Mail Slips

Mail Slips

Mail placed for pickup by UF Mail Services for delivery to the US Postal Service must carry a University of Florida return address. The following format should be used for all return addresses:

  • Department Name
  • University of Florida
  • PO Box Number of department
  • Gainesville FL 32611 with correct plus 4 add on

A completed mail slip must be attached to mail to be processed through the UF Mail Services metering machines and it must be signed by an authorized representative of the department to be charged. UF Mail Services personnel will send mail by the least costly classification if not otherwise specified by the department.

How to Request a Mail Services Mail Slip

UF departments e-mail Mail Services at with the following information:

  1. Complete Department Chartfield
  2. PO Box Number
  3. Telephone Number
  4. UF ID number of the Department Contact (individual who can view mail slips and invoices)

The UF Department Contact will be able to access their mail slips and postage invoices online at the Postage web site. Photo copies of the Mail Slip are acceptable for future mailings.

Shands and outside customers please contact Mail Services at


Mail & Document Services
3030 Radio Road
PO Box 112001